Transparency and accountability in action


In-country activities

Albania | Transparency and accountability in action​

Mirela Cami, Irma Qehajaj and Oliver Wicki

The access to information is essential for the citizens to exercise their voice, monitor and evaluate implementation of their rights, and have a dialogue to discuss issues that affect their lives. One of the main obstacles is that in remote areas in Albania, people are not aware of their rights and responsibilities. Furthermore, there are structural barriers for vulnerable people to access and use this information e.g. there is a lack of communication tools in terms of information and transparency.

A first effective step into enabling transparency and accountability is to empower citizens of their rights, entitlements, and responsibilities. On this regard, the SDC-funded project Health for All, has initiated and supported (1) citizens awareness information sessions; and (2) annual health center performance analysis with community participation and involvement. Since 2016, more than 7700 people attended 170 citizen awareness sessions and 2250 people attended 75 community meetings.

1. Creating community awareness of patient’s rights and responsibilities

HAP collaborates with experienced NGOs in delivering information sessions and community activities in increasing the awareness on patients’ rights, responsibilities and new initiatives introduced by the Albanian Government, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, and other health institutions. During the 171 information sessions held since 2016, the 7’700 participants in Diber and Fier received information about patient rights, patient responsibilities, available health services, the e-prescription initiative, ways to lodge a complaint, and how to use the complaint forms at the health centers. The direct beneficiaries of these sessions were the community members and especially the vulnerable groups living in rural areas, which have less access to information.

In order to better evaluate the effectiveness of the sessions held in 2017, 567 participants filled out a questionnaire before and after the attending the information sessions. The results show that most participants had limited or only a little knowledge of their rights, responsibilities, and ways to report a complaint at the beginning. The result of the second questionnaire shows that the information session helped to improve the knowledge about their rights and responsibilities. Additionally, participants felt comfortable to use complaint forms to report corrupting behavior.

2. Annual health center performance analysis with community participation and involvement
In the frame of improving transparency and accountability of health care providers to local stakeholders, HAP has continually supported health center managers to conduct annual health center performance analysis with community participation and involvement. Such meetings have been an opportunity for both parties to discuss on HCs services, activities, results and health-related priorities in the coming year. Since 2016, 75 meetings have taken place having as a main goal to increase the public’s trust in the health system. There is an increasing trend of the number of people attending the meeting as well as their capabilities and willingness in presenting their issues regarding the quality of the health care services. It is important to underline the fact that local government representatives have attended the meetings and have contributed to the solution of the raised issues. These meetings have been an opportunity to enhance the collaboration among key local stakeholders (community, local government and local health care institutions).