Water in SDC's South Cooperation Department

Water in SDC's South Cooperation Department

​SDC's South Cooperation Department finances development projects in priority countries and regions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The mandate of development cooperation with the South is to reduce poverty and global risks. Its objective is to ensure sustainable global development.

The department is comprised by five operational divisions: West Africa Division; Southern Africa, East and North Africa, Occupied Palestinian Territory Division; East Asia Division; South Asia Division; Latin America and the Caribbean Division.

Water is one of ten thematic priorities of SDC and is also often addressed within other thematic priorities, e.g. water services are part of local governance projects or watershed management part of projects on climate change.


Partner countries of SDC South Cooperation © SDC

SDC priority countries or regions with ongoing water interventions include: Mekong Region, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Bolivia, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Rwanda, DR Congo, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Jordan, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Tanzania, Zimbabwe (status 2018).


General information


Information about selected projects can be accessed here