Water in SDC’s Cooperation with Eastern Europe Department

​SDC's Department for Cooperation with Eastern Europe (CEE) helps countries of the former Soviet Union and Western Balkans to transition to democratic market systems. With the enlargement contribution, Switzerland is investing in the reduction of economic and social disparities in the new member states of the enlarged EU. The framework credit for transition cooperation and the enlargement contribution is divided between SDC's CEE department and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), whose programmes are complementary. The CEE Department is made up of three divisions: The Western Balkans Division, the Eurasia Division and the New Member States Division.

Water is one of five thematic priorities of SDC in the transition cooperation.

Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia is a large and varied geographical area, which is also reflected in the variety of water-related interventions Switzerland is implementing and supporting – from improving urban water supply and sanitation services in Macedonia to transboundary Natural Resource Management Projects in Central Asia.


Partner countries of SDC Eastern Europe Cooperation © SDC


SDC priority countries or regions with ongoing water interventions include: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Albania (SECO), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Serbia (status 2018).

General information


Information about selected projects can be accessed here