

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​RésEAU organises water-related webinar series on a regular basis as part of a knowledge sharing initiative led by Daniel Maselli, RésEAU foca​l point. ​


This e-workshop was co-organized by RésEAU, the Climate, DRR and Environment Network and the SDC Office in Lima

Pollutants such as heavy metals represent a serious threat to human health and their removal is a global challenge for ensuring safe drinking water. The SDC supported the validation of a new, cost-effective and scalable technology for the removal of heavy metals from drinking water. The technology was developed by BluAct Technologies (an ETH Zurich spin-off) and consists of cellulose membrane filters, activated carbon and lactose protein fibers, and its use requires no energy. To validate this technology, SDC entrusted the Peruvian NGO SABAVida to conduct a study in four departments of Peru where the population consumes water with arsenic and lead at levels exceeding the maximum permissible limits (0.01 mg/l). This pilot project for the elimination of heavy metals from drinking water brought valuable insights on how the filter technology performs in a real-world context across household and collective water supply systems. In this online learning event, the water experts presented the technology and key lessons learned during its use in Peruvian communities and from its replication in other regions (India).


Dr. Sara Marks / Laura Velásquez, Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development, SANDEC - EAWAG 

- Dr. Sreenath Bolisetty, CEO of BluActand Lecturer at Department of Health Sciences and Technology ETHZ

- Herberth Pacheco, Director of NGO SABAvida in Peru 

- Divya Kashyap Sharma, Deputy Head of Cooperation, SDC India


English version:Reseau-webinar summary-removal of heavy metals in drinking water-2024_ENG.pdf

Spanish version: Reseau-webinar summary-removal of heavy metals in drinking water-2024_ESP.pdf​​


English version: Reseau-webinar slides - heavy metals in drinking water-SDC-2024_EN.pdf

Spanish version: Reseau-webinar slides - heavy metals in drinking water-SDC-2024_ESP.pdf​​​


English version: PUBLICACION_AGUA-EMP_en-final.pdf (cooperacionsuiza.pe)

Spanish version: PUBLICACION_AGUA-EMP-final.pdf (cooperacionsuiza.pe)


Spanish Edition 11th June: https://youtu.be/PqxLXm4mDVA?si=6yKCSBieQKaTjYBT&t=305

English edition of 13th June: https://youtu.be/L14KMWmor2o 



This e-workshop was co-organized by RésEAU and the Peace, Governance and Equality Section. It provided a space for exchange amongst water professionals and governance experts to unpack and address the political and economic power dynamics often encountered in water projects. Insightful examples on how PEA is applied in concrete contexts will feed this interactive session. Case studies will be elaborated in groups and discussed in plenum. This will be complemented by an analysis of challenges and unused potential for more PEA work in the water sector. The event is as well an opportunity for networking and peer to peer exchange, potentially nurturing a Community of Practice.


  • Javier Zubieta, Sustainable Landscapes Subprogram Manager, Helvetas Bolivia Case study 1: Watershed management in areas of mining activity, Bolivia
  • Anne Joselin, Infrastructure Advisor, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK Case study 2: Enhancement, monitoring and operation of an urban water supply system, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller, Co-Director of the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern Reflection on RésEAU Brief #4, “Why political economy matters in the water sector”

Slides: PEA e workshop slides_final.pdf

Recording: RésEAU Webinar - Why political economy matters in the water sector - YouTube


The nexus approach to managing interconnected water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE) resources aims at building synergies and at the same time reducing trade-offs between the often ‘firewalled’ sectors. It can be applied at various scales, from the very local to the national to the transboundary, regional level. WEFE thinking and implementation has a great potential for sustainable solutions, concretely leading to better water, energy, food and environmental security. This webinar is a direct follow-up of the AGUASAN workshop in Jordan in 2022, where the WEFE nexus was identified as one of five priority areas deserving attention in the MENA Region. This webinar explores international mechanisms promoting cross-sectoral cooperation, draw lessons learned from regions where WEFE has already been tested and outline possible approaches to it for the Middle East.


  • Daniel Maselli, Focal Point of RésEAU, SDC Bern.
  • Mufleh Alalaween, Regional Core Team Leader of Sub-RésEAU MENA, and Regional Advisor on Water Cooperation – SDC Amman.​​
  • Lucia de Strasser, Environmental Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission (UNECE), Geneva
  • Dr. Tuğba Evrim Maden, Policy Development Coordinator at SUEN Turkish Water Institute, former Head of Blue Peace Middle East Coordination Office, Istanbul.
  • Dr. Hakam Al Alami, Member of Managing Committee for the Blue Peace in the Middle East Initiative, Amman.

Presentation slides: MENA_WEFE_webinar_PPT_ml_RJ_final.pdf

Recording: Sub-RésEAU MENA Webinar on WEFE Nexus in the Middle East - YouTube​​

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On December 05th 2022, Dr. Azzam Alwash gave an overview of the water situation in Iraq, its consequences and the transboundary implications with Turkey. He suggested a shift in the narrative from the current competitive situation focused on 'whose water is it' into opportunities for coordination and collaboration in the fields of water, energy, and trade. Participants then shared their comments and questions e.g. existing national strategies and policies, how to build peace, climate change induced migration, etc.​


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Systematic behaviour change in WASH using the RANAS approach

The webinar took place on October 26th 2022 and gave an introduction to WASH practitioners and decision-makers on how to design effective, evidence-based and population-tailored behaviour change activities using the RANAS approach. The question at the core of the approach is “How can people be motivated to adopt and maintain healthy and pro-environmental behaviours?”.  Key tools to systematically identify the most relevant incentives and barriers of the target behaviour into practical change interventions were presented and illustrated through two case-studies on handwashing from Lebanon and Palestine.

Speaker 1_behaviour_change_RanasLtd.pdf
Speaker 2_Cesvi and FHNW_case_study_Palestine.pdf
Speaker 3_AAH_case_study_Lebanon.pdf​​
Reseau-webinar slides-Iraq-2022.pdf



Adaptando la gestión de los recursos hídricos ante los efectos del cambio climático en la criósfera de monta​ña​

¿Sabía usted que casi el 25% de la población mundial depende de la criósfera de montaña - glaciares, nieve, permafrost y hielo en zonas montañosas - como prin​cipal fuente de agua? Debido al cambio climático, estas "torres de agua" se están reduciendo a un ritmo sin precedentes en casi todo el mundo. ¿Cómo puede la gestión de los recursos hídricos hacer frente a las incertidumbres correspondientes y por qué necesitamos adoptar enfoques más transformadores? En este seminario web que tuvo lugar el 23 de junio de 2022, abordamos dichos aspectos aunando los conocimientos científicos y la experiencia práctica.

Grabación del seminario web


Resumen del debate

Resumen ResEAU webinar 23 Junio 2022.pdf​

Material adicional

Los participantes pueden encontrar útil los siguientes documentos de referencia:



Capitalising on circular economy principles to tackle challenges in the water sector

This webinar was held on the 4th of October 2021 as part of the RésEAU webinar series. It highlighted the third Trend Sheet of the Trend Observatory, an initiative led by SDC’s Global Programme Water to anticipate new themes and emerging opportunities for development cooperation in the water sector.

The objective of this webinar was to present scientific expertise and practical experience on how a circular economy perspective can open up opportunities in the water sector. Circular Economy approach is not only crucial for sustainable management of water resources, but also presents real potential for medium and long-term economic, social and governance advantages. There are however significant challenges in the Global South relating to existing infrastructure that need to be taken into account. 


On thin ice: Adapting water resources management to a vanishing cryosphere

This webinar was held on the 10th of May 2021 as part of the RésEAU webinar series. It highlighted the second Trend Sheet of the Trend Observatory, an initiative led by SDC’s Global Programme Water to anticipate new themes and emerging opportunities for development cooperation in the water sector.

The objective of this webinar was to give an overview of the state of research on how climate change effects on the mountain cryosphere impact water resources, and to provide insights on why and how water resources management should adopt more risk-based and transformative approaches to deal with related uncertainties and rapid change.

Webinar recording

Adapting water resources management to a vanishing mountain cryosphere by Annika Kramer, adelphi.pdf
Integrated water management in high mountain ecosystems in Colombia by Natalia Acero Martinez, CI.pdf

summary_ResEAU webinar May 2021.pdf

Supplementary materials



How can digital technolo​gies help reduce inequalitie​s in water security

​Digital technologies have great potential to reduce inequalities in water security.  What are interesting and innovative digital approaches the water sector should watch out for? How can these approaches be put into use to reduce inequalities in access to water resources and services, and with regard to vulnerability to water-related risks? This webinar will provide answers to these questions by combining practitioner experience with academic thinking.



International water management trends

​As part of 2018 RésEAU webinar series, the third RésEAU webinar was dedicated to Water Governance and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). This webinar aims to give participants an idea of the different types of arrangements that are feasible under an IWRM approach, by combining practitioner experience with academic thinking.  

During the webinar, Christian Bréthaut from the Institute of Environmental Science of Geneva University and the Geneva Water Hub, presented an overview of current trends and key concepts in water governance. This was followed by a critical reflection by Dr. Isabelle Fauconnier from IUCN, who gave a practitioner's perspective of the challenges linked to water governance and IWRM. These two experts have been available then to answer questions during the second part of the webinar, which was dedicated to a Q&A session.


International Water Management Trends-Christian Brethaut.pdf

From Nirvana to Realitiy- Dr. Isabelle Fauconnier.pdf 


Supplementary materials

About the RésEAU webinar 

This webinar was organised by Jean-Gabriel Duss, SDC and Meleesa Naughton, Skat, and led by Sandra Bruehlmann, RésEAU focal point. Please contact Meleesa Naughton if you have any questions about the webinar series.

Financial and economic analysis of development projects

As part of 2018 RésEAU webinar series, the second RésEAU webinar focused on a short introduction to the financial and economic analysis of development projects: What is Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) and what is the difference to Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA)? Why is economic assessment important for development projects, such as the ones SDC undertake? What are the appropriate methodology and the particularities of applying CBA or CEA in the water sector?

During this webinar, Pradeep Itty, Head of Quality Assurance and Poverty Reduction at SDC, presented an overview of the methodology for CBA and CEA in the development sector. This was followed by a presentation by Dr Dominique Guenat from the Bern University of Applied Sciences, who gave practical example of the application of this analysis in the water sector in Zimbabwe. These two experts answered all questions during the second part of the webinar, which was dedicated to a Q&A session. This webinar is of relevance to all who are working on designing, implementing and evaluating development projects, with a particular focus on the water sector.

Webinar recording



Economic analysis of the Zimbabwe Handwashing Campaign Webinar of May 31st 2018 by Dr Dominique Guenat

Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses by Pradeep Itty

Supplementary materials

In order to make the most of this webinar, it is strongly recommended that participants take the time to familiarise themselves with the concepts of Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis by:

About the RésEAU webinar

This webinar was organized by Andreas Steiner, SDC and Meleesa Naughton, Skat, and led by Sandra Bruehlmann, RésEAU focal point. Please contact meleesa.naughton@skat.ch if you have any questions.


The cost of inaction: how to make the case for reform​

​As part of 2018 RésEAU webinar series, the first webinar is of relevance to all who are working on making environmental reform happen - be it on water, climate change, land use or clean air. It explored another way to push policy-makers to act, namely by quantifying and having a better understanding of the costs of inaction, or the economic benefits of policy action.

During this webinar, we heard from Dr Elisa Lanzi from the OECD who presented the methodology behind the analysis of the economic costs of environmental policies through the CIRCLE project, and how it has led policy-makers to push for reform by referring to concrete examples related to air pollution in particular. Dr Iskandar Abdullaev, director of the regional environmental centre for Central Asia CAREC and one of the authors of a recent study on Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation, presented the historical perspective and policy context in the water sector in the Central Asia region. We also heard from Dr Benjamin Pohl (Adelphi), lead author of the aforementioned study, about how the "costs of inaction" methodology was applied in this context.

Main takeaways

  • There is a need to communicate well on the details of the costs of inaction in a given sector, not only to policy-makers at the national or regional level, but also to a broader audience, to raise awareness of the issue and trigger debate which can create a 'window of opportunity' for reform;

  • There are challenges in linking analysis at the global or regional level with local-level impacts and actions; and in calculating direct and indirect costs, as well as market (related to GDP) and non-market costs;

  • Different levels of analysis on the 'costs of inaction' can be applied, from a sophisticated economic modelling approach to more pragmatic and less costly approach. However, getting stakeholders to accept the results of the analysis and consider them legitimate is key to create an enabling environment for policy reform.

Webinar recording



Rethinking Water in Central Asia The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation by Pohl


Cost of Inaction Study in Central Asia: context and perspectives by Abdullaev

Supplementary materials

  • Pohl, Benjamin; Annika Kramer, William Hull, Sabine Blumstein, Iskandar Abdullaev, Jusipbek Kazbekov, Tais Reznikova, Ekaterina Strikeleva, Eduard Interwies and Stefan Görlitz (2017): Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation. Read the report and policy brief 

About the RésEAU webinar

This webinar was organized by Sandra Bruehlmann, SDC, RésEAU focal point and Meleesa Naughton, Skat. Please contact meleesa.naughton@skat.ch if you have any questions.



Water Safety Plans - concepts and application at scale in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

 (see Supplementary materials below).

The main presenter, Oliver Schmoll from WHO, gave an overview on the WSP concept and explained its practical application at the example of two projects in Tajikistan. Mathias Leicht (SCO Moldova) and Viacheslav Sorokovskyi (DESPRO, Ukraine) commented on how they see the potential of WSPs from the perspective of their projects. All participants could ask questions that were then discussed by Oliver.

Webinar recording



Presentation by Oliver Schmoll

Supplementary materials


Find all RésEAU Webinar recordings here: