Water and gender

Water and gender

Ⓒ Pierre Kistler, Puits dans le village de Tounzourawa, zone de Dankassari, Niger​

Gender inequality is one of the greatest obstacles to sustainable development, economic growth, and poverty reduction. The SDC is helping to ensure that women and men have the same right to develop their potential and can use their resources in a meaningful way. 

The need to strengthen gender equality and women’s empowerment arises along the entire water cycle from a gender analysis to identify the context and challenges, to gender-responsive interventions and and gender-responsive monitoring and evalution (including gender in the theory of change, gender-specific targets and indicators, sexdisaggregated targets and indicators etc.) Water and gender are both priority themes for the SDC.

Relevan​t resources on water and gender

Gender and Water - SDC Guidance Sheet.pdf

High Level Panel on Water-Gender and SDG6, the critical connection.pdf

RésEAU Gender Strategy.pdf

UN-water facts on water and gender

UNESCO water and gender