Gestión Integral del Agua

Gestión Integral del Agua

The current phase is the closing phase and three results are expected: (I) the strengthening of public policy on water and watersheds; (II) the development of institutional synergies for greater public investment in the sector; and (III) that public, private and social actors apply knowledge and tools in water and watershed management. The emphasise of this phase will be the technical assistance that the project can provide to consolidate progress, strengthen coordination mechanisms, develop capacities and promote actions to leverage resources from other sources of financing such as international climate financing mechanisms. Likewise, the Integral Water Management project maintains its alignment with the policy defined in the Multiannual Program and with the priorities of the right to water for all, the resilience to climate change and food security established in the Cooperation Strategy of Switzerland 2018 – 2021.

Photo: The community takes care of the water in the municipality of Soracachi in Oruro, Bolivia.

@Gestión integral del agua/Mauricio Panozo.

SDC Division: South Cooperation
Country: Bolivia

Duration: 2019 - 2022
Project website:;
Project summary: SDC Project database (For the previous phase 2014 – 2018)

Contact: Nadia OttigerJavier Zubieta

 Key results and products  

Cartilla de Fin de Fase. Gestión integral del agua 2014-2018

Cuentos de la cuenca, el espíritu del agua 

Gestión de cuencas con igualdad de género en la fábrica del agua 

Regeneración de funciones ambientales

Experiencia de Organismos de Gestión de Cuencas en Bolivia

Guía para funcionamiento de los Organismos de Gestión de Cuencas

Guía metodológica para elaboración del Plan de Gestión Local de la Microcuenca