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Why and how formal savings services matter to low-income and vulnerable households

SC-Forum 2017-09

Thursday, 28th September 2017 / SDC, Berne
Low-income households do not only need credit, they also need savings, insurance and money transfer services.  


Low-income households save.
How do they save and what for?
What obstacles do low-income households face in order to save?
And how does digital technology help to overcome them?
Are women’s and men’s savings behavior different and do women and men save for different purposes?
What kind of financial services do best fit their needs?
In this Savings and Credit Forum we had the opportunity to exchange and learn from experienced experts and get the latest update on what is happening in savings mobilization, the “forgotten half” of microfinance.



>> Programme   >> List of references


Graham Wright, Founder and Group Managing Director, MicroSave

Alexandre Berthaud, Founder and CEO, E-Savings

Michael Fiebig, Head Equity Financial Institutions, responsAbility

Case Studies:  The importance of savings for the financial inclusion of women and youth, Malawi, Tanzania
Jennifer McDonald, Director Product Development, Women’s World Banking (remote session)
 + video that Jennifer shared on "Going digital" by WWB

​​​ Key Documents

SDC [371 kB]

Why and how formal savings services matter to low-income and vulnerable households