
Welcome to the E+E shareweb of the Economy and Education Team, a platform for development practitioners working towards the creation of inclusive economic development programmes as well as quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. This common virtual space provides guidance on topics linked to economy and education and harnesses the expertise and lessons learnt of the E+E network.

In line with the SDGs 2030, Switzerland is committed to an inclusive and sustainable economic growth that creates jobs, increases productivity and protects the environment. To achieve these ambitious goals, Switzerland promotes opportunities for basic education and vocational skill training and to increase engagements with the private sector.

The Economy and Education Team and its network is supporting this strategic orientation through four interlinked economic and educational thematic priorities on system and individual level: Education (EDU), Vocational Skills Development (VSD), Private Sector Development (PSD) and Financial Sector Development (FSD). In addition, the E+E Team seeks to promote the modality of Private Sector Engagement (PSE) across SDC’s entire portfolio to leverage the private sector’s expertise, innovation power and resources, and therefore increase the impact and sustainability of SDC’s programmes. It further advocates for responsible business practices by the private sector.