SDC Key Documents

Strategic & framework documents​ health


​Global Health Guidance 2022-24 

Practical guide and brochure available in English and French

The SDC Health Guidance 2022-24 aims to increase coherence and complementarity between bilateral health programmes, global initiatives and partnerships, humanitarian action, and policy work supported by the SDC. 
The Guidance provides an institutional framework to guide SDC’s engagement in health at country, regional and global level. It looks at the SDC focus orientations in international cooperation in health: 
  • Advancing Universal Health Coverage
  • Addressing the Determinants of Health
The document defines the ‘Health Equity’ and ‘Leave No One Behind’ principles which are at the core of the SDC’s approach. It also gives insight into some of the current health challenges as well as SDC-related responses. 

This Guidance serves as a reference document for SDC, its partner organizations and the wider public.

Global Programme Health - Programme Framework 2021-24

The new four year programme framework of the Global Programme Health (GPH) prioritizes health promotion, disease prevention and universal access to health services in low and lower-middle income countries, in areas where the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s and other Swiss-based stakeholders’ knowhow can make a  difference – for example health products, digital solutions or service models.

The document looks at global health challenges, results and lessons learnt so far. It also identifies four areas of work for the next years, in line with the Federal Dispatch on International cooperation 2021-2024:

  • Fostering quality health systems

  • Addressing determinants of health

  • Promoting gender equality and human rights for health

  • Advancing inclusive, efficient and effective global health governance


The GPH total budget for the next four year is of CHF 247.1 million, including multilateral engagement (core funding to The Global Fund, UNAIDS and World Health Organization).

Swiss Health Foreign Policy

The Swiss Health Foreign Policy defines the objectives and ways to collaborate in health. This should improve the synergies and coherence under Swiss actors in the global health policy dialogue. The SDC voice in the global policy dialogue is of utmost importance if Switzerland is to keep its humanitarian image and role in closing the increasing global health gap. ​​

Swiss Health Foreign Policy (PDF, 1.4 MB, English)

Politique Extérieure Suisse en Matière de Santé (PDF, 1.4 MB, Français)

Schweizerische Gesundheitsaussenpolitik (PDF, 1.4 MB, Deutsch)

Politica estera della Svizzera in materia di salute 2019-2024 (PDF, 1.4 MB, Italiano)

​SDC Health Policy

The aim of the SDC Health Policy is to define the orientation of SDC in the area of health and serves as the health sector reference document for SDC, its partner organizations and the wider public. The health policy builds on the experiences and achievements of the previous policy “SDC Health Policy 2003–2010” and is in line with the parliament’s bills regarding development cooperation with the South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) and the East (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) as well as in humanitarian aid. The policy is consistent with the general framework of the Swiss Health Foreign Policy, formulated by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Department of Home Affairs. 

Link  to the related SDC webpage. Find the main thematic areas of SDC’s engagement in health here.

SDC/DDC/DEZA Health Policies:

SDC Health Policy (PDF, 1.4 MB, English)

Politique de Santé de la DDC (PDF, 1.4 MB, Français)

DEZA Gesundheitspolitik (PDF, 1.4 MB, Deutsch)


Flyer „Health – A priority for the SDC“

The Fact Sheet Health is a summary of the SDC Health Policy and defines the orientation of SDC in the area of health. It highlights the thematic priorities with selected projects in combination with some facts and figures, why health is a priority for SDC.

Flyer Gesundheit (PDF DE)

Flyer Santé (PDF FR)                                                  

Flyer Salute (PDF I)

Flyer Health (PDF EN)