
Day 1 - Monday 23 Aug 2021

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Daily Guidance for the Self-Directed Learning and the End of day Peer-led Sharing Sessions
​​ Link to Webex webinar and technical tips
​​​ Concept for the Gender Training of Trainers: Providing the skill set for SDC’s Gender Focal Points


Introductions of participants​​​

Meet the workshop participants!

Present yourself!​


Triple role introduction​​​ and 'baseline' exercise

No ​documents


Introduction to the Gendernet Shareweb and Gender ToT space

​​ Gender ToT - Short survey
​​​​​​Gender ToT – Additional resources and links


Self-directed learning: Gender in SDC

Gender in SDC - Video
Gender in SDC - Video script

​​​​​​Gender TOT additional resources and links

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