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14 Mar 2018

SCBF end-November 2017 to end-February 2018

Completed Projects

WWB Al Amana Morocco

Al Amana redesigned and rebranded its existing health insurance product to “Tayssir Al Amana” and developed a strong marketing campaign leading to an increase in uptake and usage of the product. That, in concert with the supportive management systems for product monitoring and evaluation resulted in a substantial growth of Al Amana´s microinsurance portfolio from 2013 through 2016. >> more

“Rkia, client of Al Amana in Morocco, who makes her living through embroidery and sewing“
©Courtesy of Al Amana

Positive Planet  Al Barid Bank  Morocco

Al Barid Bank intended to develop a new payment agent network to deliver social benefits (G2P – government to people) to rural areas in Morocco through adapting its existing mobile banking platform (developed with the SCBF support 2013-01). However, this switch from cash-based to mobile-based distribution system was thwarted by changes in regulatory framework. >> more

Alliance Myanmar

Alliance for Microfinance and Myanmar successfully developed, piloted and rolled out a successful Small Enterprise loan product, leading to an uptake of 10,713 loans by project end and aiding the successful development of the institution in the past two years. The SE loans now comprise 41% of the total loan portfolio and yielded 40% income for AMFIM in 2017. >> more

Alliance Myanmar

AMFIM succeeded in designing a system where financial education is an integrated part of its business model and does not depend on the access to external funding after the initial phase of development. AMFIN adapted the content of the programme to serve the varying needs of its group loan clients and small enterprise loan clients. At project end, all group loan clients (over 45,000) have been trained with the presentation guide and at least 20,000 clients have watched the video at disbursement. For small enterprise loans, at least 1,500 clients have watched the disbursement video and 225 took part in one or more financial education training sessions. >> more

KiWi Mexico

As part of the financial education campaign, KiWi Mexico designed a variety of tools and materials, such as user manuals, videos on YouTube, FAQ, and new scripts explaining how the digital platform for micro-merchants works (see reference to 2016-01) and how it contributes to better financial control, credit-worthiness and sales. >> more

“Rkia, client of Al Amana in Morocco, who makes her living through embroidery and sewing“
©Courtesy of Al Amana

Created 14/03/2018 by Huwiler Franziska EDA HUZ
Last modified 29/09/2018 by Hochhuth Stefan