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10 Sep 2018

Here is what JOBS has achieved in Romania

​In Romania the trend is to go to university. The political and economic transition has had consequences which, coupled with this trend, explain the shortage of properly skilled professionals in the labour market. The "Job Orientation Training in Businesses and Schools (JOBS)" programme bridges the school environment and the labour market. It aims at preparing pupils in the last year of traditional high school and those in the first year of the technical section of middle school, to better identify their competencies and to familiarise them with the reality of the labour market. The goal is to provide them with information about professional opportunities in order to increase their chances of finding a vocational training course that suits them.​ A blog entry summarizes what the project has achieved... [more]

Further information about the project: See the project's record in our e+i Portfolio Database here (members only). The record in the FDFA database is here.

Created 10/09/2018 by Schläpfer Basil
Last modified 01/10/2018 by Schläpfer Basil