Other Training Materials

Other Training Materials

Many other organizations engaged in climate change and development activities have produced interesting training materials on the following topics: assessment tools, climate data and modelling tools and information and knowledge management platforms. Here you will find a selection of links to materials, which we consider to be of value. Below you can either search or scan through the links.


Assessment Tools


CD4CDM Capacity development for Clean Development Mechanism

CD4CDM Published by UNEP Risø Centre and supported by the Danish government. Program of guidebooks for different aspects of CDM such as Baseline determination, financing, etc. Provides also specific manuals for CDM project types with high SD potential, such as Mini Biogas Plants for Households and programs of Activities. High quality guidebooks for project proponents and financiers of CDM projects. Regularly updated. Some of the manuals are available in different languages of CDM countries. Does not provide a step by step framework for the screening of projects or strategies with regards to mitigation potentials.


CRiSTAL (IISD/ IUCN/SEI/Intercooperation)

This project-based tool is currently being piloted for Nicaragua, Mali, Tanzania and Sri Lanka in sectors such as agriculture, water resource management, infrastructure, and natural resource management. The tool requires detailed project inputs and vulnerability data. The tool delivers vulnerability and livelihood profiles as well as details for project modification. A parallel tool is being planned which aims to focus on the project portfolio side which would be intended to help programme managers integrate adaptation concerns into their project portfolio at the strategic planning level.


Capacity Development for Climate Change Partnership (C3D+)

The Capacity Development for Climate Change Partnership (C3D+) supports research and training institutions in developing countries to identify, develop, test and apply new analytical tools and methods that can build the human and institutional capacities needed to deal with a future of increasing climatic uncertainty. The site allows users to easily navigate the content featuring: practical tools and methods adapted to national conditions, covering climate science and information, vulnerability and adaptation, mitigation, and climate change mainstreaming; case studies showcasing how the tools and methods can be applied to build capacity and support informed national-local decision-making; and many other features such as a calendar of capacity-building events on climate change as well as recent news featuring the work of the C3D+ project.



Opportunities and Risks of Climate Change and Disasters (ORCHID) - IDS This process-based tool is designed to be a light touch screening process for donor programmes. The process utilises quantitative inputs climate science which are applied to the risk assessment of programmes usually at wide scales, and using directional trends rather than discrete figures. The tool utilises project documents and interviews with project staff as well as past trend in vulnerability and disaster risk. ORCHID aims to raise awareness of climate risk management and future climate change among staff, to stimulate dialogue with donor partners, to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation policies and activities. The process makes recommendations for how programmes might enhance risk management through adaptive practices and cost benefit analysis and sector economic assessment are undertaken for areas where clear adaptation options can be discerned and where sufficient data.


Climate Data & Modelling Tools


CAIT- Climate Analysis Indicators Tool - World Resources Institute (WRI)

A vulnerability and impacts component of CAIT forms part of this a much wider tool-kit of country-level data on climate change, particularly on greenhouse gas emissions. The database includes information on historical impacts, particularly from disaster events, as well as a range of human development indices. CAIT permits manipulation of this data on a country by country basis, including cross-referencing to mitigation-related data. CAIT can be used to analyze a wide range of climate-related data questions and to help support future policy decisions made under the Climate Convention and in other fora.


PRECIS - Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies - UK Met Office

This tool provides climate impact assessments in developing country contexts which are freely available to numerous users. The tool uses GCM (GCM) to provide grid-scale averages of spatio-temporal hydro-climatic state variables as well as soil hydrology and thermodynamics, and some vegetation dynamic variables. The tool is applicable to multiple scales, sectors and levels of screening but is limited fine/point scale information.


SERVIR Climate Change Mapping Tool - USAID, NASA, CATHALAC, IAGT

This web-based tool is intended to assist users of the USAID Climate Adaptation Guidance Manual to instantly access climate information needed to adaptation projects. The tool is an open platform which is applicable to multiple sectors and is available to various users. The current version focuses on Mesoamerica and is used by Central American disaster planners, TV weather reporters, cruise ship operators, and resource managers, and others.


Information & Knowledge Management Platforms


UNDP Adaptation Learning Mechanisms (ALM)

The ALM support learning on climate change adaptation through good practice and experience by promoting knowledge exchange and collaboration between practitioners. The ALM is an inter-agency knowledge platform. The country database aims to help UNDP offices to develop adaptation proposals and improve staff awareness on climate risks for other project design. It compiles a common set of information for each UNDP partner country, drawn from National Communications, NAPAs and other scientific studies, together with UNDP country programme information, on a easy to operate webpage format.