Areas of Work
Initially, the areas of work for the GPEDC have been defined as the following:
- ownership by developing countries;
- results as a focus of development efforts;
- partnerships for inclusive development; and,
- transparency and accountability to one another
- New Deal for Fragile States
However, the GPEDC has a rolling agenda and depending on the host country of the HLM, other issues might rise within the original scope of themes.
At the Mexico HLM, the following issues defined the agenda:
- Domestic Resource Mobilization
- Private-Public cooperation
- South-South & Triangular Cooperation
- Development in Middle-Income-Countries
Switzerland has advocated for a re-focus on the initial themes and commitments (the so-called unfinished business).
Implementation of the Busan Commitments is to be tracked by a global monitoring framework, which currently consists of a set of 10 indicators and targets. The first monitoring report was released in April 2014.