The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC)

​The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation was created in 2011 at the Busan High-Level Forum (although the international discussions and related work started much earlier with the Paris and Accra conferences and the Working Party on Aid Effectiveness.)

The GPEDC is a forum for advice, shared accountability, peer learning and experience-sharing in order to support the implementation of principles that form the foundation of effective development co-operation.




​​The role of the GPEDC in the post-2015 Agenda


The comparative advantages of the Global Partnership and its added value are measuring development results and its inclusive and multi-stakeholder architecture to shape a new partnership for global development.

If the Global Partnership delivers on its mandate to create evidence on the ground, show results and measure the progress at the country level with an effective and inclusive approach, it will sharpen its political profile. In that way, the GPEDC can provide a real benefit for the implementation of the post-2015 agenda.

To this end, the Global Partnership coordinates its work with other organisations that impact effective development co-operation. These include the UN Development Co-operation Forum, the Development Working Group of the G20 and the UN-led process for creating a global development agenda for after 2015.


>> Read a blog post on this issue in the Post-2015 Blog



​​Legal Basis and Mandate


The Busan Outcome Document is a  voluntary declaration, endorsed by 161 countries at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Korea in 2011.

The Global Partnership builds on a range of international activities to improve development co-operation, including the Monterrey Consensus of 2002, the Rome Declaration on Harmonisation (2003), the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (2005), and the Accra Agenda for Action of 2008.

As per the current Mandate (to be updated after 2015), the primary role of the Global Partnership is

  • to promote multi-stakeholder dialogues
  • to maintain and strengthen political momentum for more effective development co-operation;
  • to ensure accountability for implementing Busan commitments;
  • to exchange best practices and lessons learned, as well as evidence-based analysis,
  • to maximize the impact of development cooperation on the ground through the fulfillment of the principles for development effectiveness: country ownership, focus on results, inclusive development partnerships, and mutual transparency and accountability.


At the same time, the mandate is flexible enough to allow the High-Level Meetings (HLM) to address topical and emerging issues relevant for effective development cooperation such as the context of the Post -2015 development agenda.


​​Area of Work and Monitoring


 Areas of Work

Initially, the areas of work for the GPEDC have been defined as the following:

  • ownership by developing countries;
  • results as a focus of development efforts;
  • partnerships for inclusive development; and,
  • transparency and accountability to one another
  • New Deal for Fragile States


However, the GPEDC has a rolling agenda and depending on the host country of the HLM, other issues might rise within the original scope of themes.

At the Mexico HLM, the following issues defined the agenda:

  • Domestic Resource Mobilization
  • Private-Public cooperation
  • South-South & Triangular Cooperation
  • Development in Middle-Income-Countries


Switzerland has advocated for a re-focus on the initial themes and commitments (the so-called unfinished business).




Implementation of the Busan Commitments is to be tracked by a global monitoring framework, which currently consists of a set of 10 indicators and targets. The first monitoring report was released in April 2014.



​​Switzerland and the GPEDC

Switzerland endorsed the Busan Outcome Document in 2011 and is member of the GPEDC, but it is not yet member of its SC.

Switzerland financially supports the GPEDC Task Team through the overall DAC budget and with 200'000 CHF per year for the UNDP staff. Further Switzerland paid 50'000 CHF for the organization of a workshop on the "Busan unfinished business" at the margin of the Mexico HLM in April 2014.

Switzerland is co-chair of the Global Partnership Initiative Results & Mutual Accountability and as such provides financial and substantial support to its activities.




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The Busan Partnership document, November 2011

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GPEDC Monitoring Report, 2014