UNAIDS Board (12-14 December 2017, Geneva)


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UNAIDS Board (12-14 December 2017, Geneva)

Susanne Amsler, SDC HQ Bern

Facts & Figures: Significant progress in the area of treatment. By now, nearly 21 Mio (of estimated 37 Mio) HIV positive people access Antiretroviral Therapy. 82% of these 21 Mio are virally suppressed and can’t transmit the virus. However, progress on reducing new infections is stagnating. UNAIDS is currently putting primary prevention back on the HIV/AIDS agenda. At regional level, Eastern Europe and Central Asia is the only region where new HIV infections have risen (by 60% since 2010) and AIDS-related deaths have also increased (by 27%). An epidemiological shift is taking place in Eastern Europe, from a concentrated epidemic (mainly among injecting drug users) to a generalized epidemic in the general population. Sexual transmission among heterosexuals makes now up for 55% of all transmission.

Progress on the UNAIDS reform: Overall good progress on reforms at UNAIDS: The most important item of the 41st PCB was the first report on progress of the action plan to refine the UNAIDS operating model, as approved in the 40th PCB in June 2017. The action plan was a measure to address UNAIDS underfunding but at the same time reform aspects of governance and joint collaboration. All 11 co-sponsor agencies (UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNODC, ILO, WFP, WHO, WB ) and the UNAIDS Secretariat stated a renewed spirit of collaboration within the joint programme. An important element hereof is the introduction of country envelopes (programmatic funds to promote joint UNAIDS action at country level) based on joint plans, which have led to stronger collaboration at global, regional and country level. The refined operating model is a compromise to address current financial challenges and still implement as well as possible the ambitious UNAIDS strategy 2016-21. For more information on the 41st PCB (including background documents and decision on thematic areas such as HIV in prisons or discrimination in health care settings): http://www.unaids.org/en/aboutunaids/unaidsprogrammecoordinatingboard/pcb-41_12-14dec2017

Swiss approach to harm reduction was prominently presented through the address of the former Swiss President Ruth Dreifuss and the second edition of the Swiss field visit for the UNAIDS Board, on harm reduction in Geneva. See media release by UNAIDS here.