Piloting an Integrated Care Model for the Elderly Diabetic Patients


In-country activities

Piloting an Integrated Care Model for the Elderly Diabetic Patients

Merita Stavileci Mustaf, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo

The Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH) project in Kosovo funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Swiss TPH and Save the Children. AQH project supports the implementation of health reform with a focus on Primary Health Care (PHC) and non-communicable diseases, in 12 municipalities of Kosovo. The aim of the project is to improve the health status of the Kosovar population through strengthening healthcare providers and managers to meet the needs of the patients, and making patients more aware of their rights.

The AQH project in collaboration with an international expert aims to develop an integrated care model in the municipality of Fushe Kosova as a pilot. The evaluation will take place once the implementation of the integrated care model in the pilot municipality is implemented for the possibility to expand in other municipalities. This intervention aims to concentrate on integrated services for older people. The diagnosis of Diabetes type 2 is used as an entry point for a more holistic organization of services, including the introduction of a geriatric needs assessment to strengthen the collaboration between health, social and community services. The provision of services for health and social welfare are not fully integrated, even though the current infrastructure allows for good collaboration of these two sectors considering that municipal authority is composed of health and social welfare.

A participatory approach based on action research principles ensures that the model addresses the needs of patients, providers and policymakers. The iterative process, combining literature reviews, primary and secondary data collection, analysis and feedback sessions, allows for contextualization of international evidence according to the data and feedback collected during workshops. For this purpose, a multi-sectoral working group (WG) at the municipal level was established with representatives from health, social services, education and local NGOs, including the Association of Retired People. The chair of the WG-Dr. Osman Maxhera as well as the participants of the WG has showed great commitment towards this intervention considering that the integrated primary health care services are being piloted for the first time in Kosovo.

A first workshop introduced the principles and key elements of integrated care and defined the target group for the intervention. A rapid review of the international literature synthesized existing evidence on integrated diabetes care for older people, and formed the basis for the draft model. Following, WG members wrote the Municipality Profile, which informed the contextualization and feasibility of the integrated care model. The finding of the Municipal Profile generated valuable data but not very reliable due to non-functional Health Information System (HIS) in Kosovo. Based on data from Primary Healthcare facilities in municipality of Fushe Kosova, the approximate number of patients 65 years old and over with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in is 235.

In a second workshop the draft for the integrated diabetes care model was presented, and the notion of a geriatric needs assessment (GNA) as a tool to support integrated care planning across sectors introduced. Taking into account local resources, population needs and feedback from the WG, the next steps are to develop and roll-out education and training programmes on various topics, and use the GNA to collect missing data.

The regular involvement of the multi-sectoral WG is a huge asset which ensures that there is a clear commitment to integrated care and the development of the pilot model. While the international expert brings the experience and evidence to the project, the WG ensures feasibility, sustainability and commitment to change.  Early on it was realized that the timeframe for piloting the model needed readjustment due to limited data. By Mid-2018, the analysis of the baseline data from the GNA, the education and training programmes and the development of integrated patient pathways will be available for discussion.