Thursday: Conference

Conference: Gender, Land & Sustainable Development

Interview with Sabine Pallas



Interview with Marie Monimart



Photos of the Workshops and Panel discussion

Here you can find the abstracts and presentations of all keynotes and workshops of the conference



Note introductive atelier SA Berne ENG.pptx

Note introductive atelier SA Berne FR.pptx

WS Climate Change_PPP_L. Aguilar.pdf

WS Climate Change_PPP_P. Sieber.pptx

WS Resource Conflicts_PPP_S. Halle.pptx

WS Food Security_PPP_T. Goethe.pptx

WS Water_PPP_S. Gabizon.pptx


Summaries of the Workshop Sessions

Summary Workshop gender & reource Conflicts.pdf

Summary Workshop Gender and Climate Change.docx

Summary Workshop Gender and Food Security_Almir.docx