Informal Sector

Informal Sector


The Informal Economy and Decent Work: A Policy Resource Guide supporting transitions to formatility: A practical Policy Resource Guide published by ILO bringing together a synthesis of knowledge, policy innovations and good practices facilitating transition to formality.

Informal apprenticeship in the micro and small entreprises (MSEs) - Alternative Approach in Egypt: This field survey about the traits of the informal vocational apprenticeship, its mechanims, rules, inputs and outputs was conducted on a group of MSEs in Greater Cairo Region (GCR).

Improving Skills Development in the Informal Sector: Strategies for Sub-Saharan Africa: This study uses household labor force surveys in five African countries (Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Tanzania) to look at the the role played by education and skills developmt in order to achieve poverty reduction.

The Informal Economy: Definitions, Theories and Policies: This WIEGO Working Paper provides an overview of the definitional, theoretical, and policy debates on the informal economy. ​​


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