PSD Links

PSD Links

This site provides you to the most important links to resources and organisation in private sector development.

​Value Chains
Value chain site of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
The site is a useful search tool for documentation on different stages of value chain projects: market assessment, project design, implementation, impact assessment and final documentation.
Value Chain Development Wiki
These wiki pages present good practice in value chain development, drawing from research conducted under the leadership of the USAID Microenterprise Development team by the ACDI/VOCA - AMAP-BDS consortium and many other contributing organizations, academics and institutions. The website offers short, relevant background on the value chain framework and the value chain project cycle, as well as many resources and tools.

Results Measurement
Measuring and Reporting Results Site of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
This site provides links to the most important documents on result measurement developed by the DCED, as well as to other useful links.

The ASOCAM network site for monitoring and evaluation (en Español)
Asocam Network for knowledge management in Latin America operates a website focusing on monitoring and evaluation of development initiatives oriented towards impact. This site presents Asocam's methodological proposal, including case studies, tools, a virtual library and more. (Opening the site with Mozilla Firefox works better).

Local Economic Development (LED)
LED Knowledge
managed by the ILO, this website provides a vaste variety of resourceson local economic development, including training material and case studies.
Local Economic Development Network for Africa - LEDNA
this networking site, available in French and English, offers space for discussion and exchange and provides links to resources on local economic development in Africa.
Local Economic Development and Clusters site of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
The site is a useful search tool for documentation on local economic development and clusters: overview documents, reviews of experience and evidence, case studies, methodology, tools and training.
ASOCAM Knowledge Management Latin American Network site on LED (en Español)
Ascocam is a Latin Amercian Network that facilitates regional initiatives for knowledge exchange and joint learning about key topics of rural development, including Local Economic Development. The site offers several publications, tools and useful links. (Opening the site with Mozilla Firefox works better).
UNIDO Clusters and Network Development Programme
The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation UNIDO is active in the promotion of clusters and business networks. UNIDO has formulated a six-step approach for the promotion of clusters and business networks. The website offers in addition a variety of resources, including case studies.

Business Environment
Business Environment Website of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
This is the database of the Donor Committee's Business Environment Working Group. The database contains documents and information about donor-supported work to enhance the business environment to achieve pro-poor growth.

Small Enterprise Development
Small Enterprise Development Website of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development promotes enterprise development particularly for small enterprises, in developing countries. It provides a forum for exchange on lessons learnt of different donors and publishes common guidelines for its members. SDC is member of the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development.

The SEEP Network
The Small Enterprise, Education and Promotion (SEEP) Network’s vision is to promote markets that create opportunities for all people to engage and prosper. The website provides plenty of resources on different topics of small enterprise development, but also on issues such as microfinance, market development or network development.

Social Aspects of Work
The ILO website on decent work
This website informs about the decent work agenda, provides the latest documents and news, as well as links to the decent work country programmes. on transnational companies and rights (en Français)
This website in French focuses on different human rights issues related to transnational companies. It contains much information on all laws and norms that companies need to apply and on corporate social responsibility.