The Long March of BASIX and the Indian Microfinance Adventure

SC-Forum 2012-05 Basix Microfinance India

​​​​​​Friday, 11 May 2012

Invitation Letter
list of references


Malcolm Harper, Professor of Enterprise Development
BASIX's long march from credit to livelihood services (The livelihoods Triad)
BASIX's role in the developments in the ”microfinance industry” leading up to the crisis -
Including the role of Swiss and other foreign investors [Download pdf-version ]



Sanjay Sinha, Managing Director of Micro-Credit Ratings International Limited (M-CRIL)
Evolution of Indian microfinance leading up to the crisis [Download pdf-version ]


Sanjay Sinha
The role of foreign investors in the Indian microfinance crisis [Download pdf-version ]


Sanjay Sinha
Bangladesh- Can there be a crisis there too? [Download pdf-version ]
