

​​For an overview over global support to the microfinance sector in Sub-Saharan Africa please consult the CCAP Microfinance Funder Survey 2009 for Sub-Saharan Africa.


SDC has supported Pamiga (Groupe Microfinance Participative pour l'Afrique) since 2007. Pamiga contributes to the development of microfinance institutions in Africa through consultancy services, an exchange platform and financial investments. Please visit the Pamiga website for more information.



In the framework of the United Nations' Year of Microfinance 2005, SDC and Swiss Universities elaborated together several case studies on SDC's financial sector development projects:

Le rôle des associations de microfinance dans le développement du secteur financier

August 2009
Author: Joachim Kercan
In 2006, a student of the University of Geneva evaluated the role of the national network of microfinance practitioners of Benin - Alafia (Association Nationale des Praticiens de la Microfinance au Bénin)- in supporting its members through capacity building and other support.



Programme SAHA dans le domaine de la microfinance (download factsheet)

In the framework of the United Nations' Year of Microfinance 2005, SDC and Swiss Universities elaborated together several case studies on SDC's financial sector development projects.

Les Greniers Communautaires Villageois comme garants de la sécurité alimentaire et du crédit - Etude

January 2010
Author: Isabelle Dauner Gardiol, Intercooperation avec la contribution d'Antoine Rakotondrasoalimangavelo, Directeur de TITEM.