Day 4: e+i Networld Café

Day 4: e+i Networld Café



On Thursday of the e+i F2F, a network event dedicated to the setting the agenda of future activities of the network took place. Emerging topics that had been brought up by network members on Tuesday were discussed, and work plans for the implementation of the learning results were developed.


Simon Junker (for VSD-related topics) and Peter Tschumi (for PSD-related topics) summarized the results of the morning sessions.



Coffee table groups/ hosts

In the afternoon the participants exchanged on hot and self-chosen topics in the e+i networld Café. Find here some results and summaries from the groups documented by the hosts of the coffee tables.
Table 1:
Facilitating change in M4P programmes - What are emerging practices?/ Marcus Jenal

Table 5:
How to ensure labour market orientation of skills training?/ Sirocco Messerli, Bettina Jenny
Table 8:
What can be synergies between the A+RD network and the e+i network?/ Marylaure Crettaz
Table 11:
Normatisation and certification in VSD project - experiences from Latin America/ Wolfgang Schlegel
Table 3:
M4P and gender/ Derek Müller

Final Statement by the Focal Point

In the afternoon, the results of the working groups were fed back into the plenary to develop a comprehensive picture of the network's upcoming activities. Peter Tschumi on the overall results of the F2F and the future of the e+i network.