CEDRIG - Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance

The Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG) handbook provides guidance for integrating climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction (DRR) into development cooperation. CEDRIG was formerly referred to as the "Climate and DRR Check".

SDC aims at systematically integrating climate change related issues and DRR into development cooperation. This is in line with the commitment of OECD members to “work to better integrate climate change adaptation in development planning and assistance, both with their own governments and in activities undertaken with partner countries”. The CEDRIG handbook is an approach to support SDC staff and their project partners in analysing existing and planned cooperation strategies, programmes and projects with respect to their exposure and influence on climate change and natural disasters.

The CEDRIG Handbook
SDC has developed a practical handbook, which shall guide SDC staff and operational partners through the process of screening and assessing SDC interventions. The handbook is a self-explanatory and hands-on guidance which is leading the user through the process of CEDRIG.

CEDRIG supports the systematic integration of climate and DRR into development cooperation and humanitarian efforts and therefore contributes to more sustainable development activities and resilient livelihoods.

It is not the aim of the check to develop adaptation projects or targeted DRR projects but rather taking climate change and natural disasters systematically into account as a further factor to think about while.

Download the CEDRIG Handbook
Part I Aim, Concept and Support Material of CEDRIG (PDF, 509 KB, fr, es)
Part II CEDRIG Handbook (PDF, 2,293 KB, fr, es)