Webinars on Private Sector Engagement



In alignment with Switzerland’s International Cooperation Strategy 2021-24 and the Agenda 2030’s orientation towards fostering public-private partnerships (SDG 17), the SDC recently published a Handbook on Private Sector Engagement.

In this context, the SDC Health Network organised a series of webinars between March and September 2021 to explore the different forms of private sector engagement in health and to discuss the challenges and opportunities in public-private partnerships.


Series background

Switzerland's International Cooperation Strategy 2021–24 aims to expand cooperation with the private sector and exploit its potential to promote sustainable development in low and middle-income countries, including in fragile and conflict-affected settings. To this effect, private sector engagement (PSE) is not a goal in itself, but a means to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDC has already accumulated substantial experience, particularly at the global level, to engage with the private sector in a targeted manner, in order to jointly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. Interesting initiatives are also being promoted in selected countries through a variety of SDC instruments, both as short-term humanitarian interventions and longer-haul endeavours. In February 2021, the SDC published a Handbook on Private Sector Engagement, which provides operational guidance on the specific modality of Private Sector Engagement.

In hea​lth cooperation, the private sector “refers to all non-state actors involved in health: profit and not-for-profit, formal and informal, domestic and international. Almost all countries have mixed health systems" (Bull World Health Organ 2019; 97:434–435). The private sector plays a major role in all areas of healthcare provision including direct service delivery, production of drugs and commodities and related supply chain and key support functions, such as finance, transportation, and information technology services. Therefore, the path towards achieving the SGDs cannot ignore the private sector.

The Agenda 2030 sets out clear orientations for greater partnership (SDG 17), and encourages governments to identify common interests to foster new partnerships for universal health coverage (UHC), including with the private sector. To reach the agenda's objectives, the international community needs to find ways to effectively harness both the public and private sectors. This implies that traditional donors, such as SDC, also engage in efforts to better understand the private sector and to collaborate in an effective manner to maximize social returns.

Series content

Each module will last 1.30 to 2 hours. We will invite experts, partners and SDC colleagues to share their knowledge and experiences to help us navigate through current topical debates, global priorities, partnership modalities recommendations and a lot more. In a closing event (reserved for SDC staff) in October, we will analyze and think together on existing modalities and their applicability SDC's work. The module dates and programme might change according to external experts' availabilities.

Two weeks prior to each module, a detailed program will be shared to Network members per email and posted on this website. All webinars will take place on Webex. 

Session materials

Module 2: Strengthening pro-poor markets for health and enhancing the role of local businesses
(14 April 2021)

Presentations and project summaries:

Module 5: Teaming-up with the private sector in emergency situations (23 July 2021) 

​​Event pro​gramme​

Summary of the session
