"Inclusive Land Governance - Road to a better life”F2F Meeting of the SDC networks Agriculture and Food Security (A+FS) and Democratisation, Decentralisation and Local Governance (DDLGN)5-9 September 2016, Sursee Switzerland
Keynote speechInclusive land governance, road to a better lifeLorenzo Cotula, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Swiss land governance systemInclusive Land Governance: The Swiss SystemUeli Straub, Agridea
Field visit briefsVisit 1: Inheritance law and farm transferVisit 2: Common land useVisit 3: Farm cooperationVisit 4: Spatial PlanningVisit 5: Farmland market and voluntary property consolidationVisit 6: Expropriation and WaterprotectionVisit 7: Constructing outside building zoneVisit 8: Nature conservancy, ecological balance
Country studiesBrazil: Full study | 2-pager | f2f-presentationCambodia: Full study | 2-pager | f2f-presentationMozambique: Full study | 2-pager | f2f-presentationSwitzerland: Full study | 2-pager
Right to foodAre the Tenure Guidelines contributing to the realization of the right to food? - FIAN's preliminary assessmentSofía Monsalve, FIAN InternationalHow are the Voluntary Guidelines used to report in the human rights systems in Geneva?Ana Maria Suarez-Franco, FIAN International
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