
Gender network


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​​Welcome to the SDC Gender network​

​​​​​​​​​​​It is a network of practitioners and experts from the SDC and its partners, associated experts around the world. The network is coordinated by the Gender senior policy advisor of the PGE section.

The network aims to further the knowledge and operational competences of its members in the field of promoting gender equality. This shall contribute to enhancing the thematic quality and effectiveness of the SDC and partners programmes and projects. This webpage is the network's online platform and main communucation tool. It facilitates the e-collaboration within the network and provides access to useful information and working tools.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​Highlighted documents​



FDFA Strategy on Gender equality and Women’s rights490 Corinne EDA HCO9/14/2017 9:33:32 AMFDFA Strategy on Gender equality and Women’s rights, FDFA Strategy on Gender equality aspx strategy sets out the principles of action and the key objectives of Swiss foreign policy regarding gender equality and women's rights. It outlines the basic principles of the commitment to make a genuine, tangible contribution to an inclusive and equitable society, creating greater prosperity for the benefit of all.KeyDocumentGenderFDFA30.11.2017 23:00:00EN
Estrategia del DFAE de Igualdad de género y Derechos de las mujeres500 Corinne EDA HCO12/14/2022 2:48:12 PMEstrategia del DFAE de Igualdad de género y Derechos de las mujeres, Estrategia del DFAE de Igualdad de aspx estrategia establece los principios de actuación y los objetivos clave de la política exterior suiza en materia de igualdad de género y derechos de la mujer. Esboza los principios básicos del compromiso de contribuir de forma auténtica y tangible a una sociedad integradora y equitativa, creando una mayor prosperidad en beneficio de todos.KeyDocumentGenderFDFA30.11.2017 23:00:00ES
EDA Strategie zu Geschlechtergleichstellung und Frauenrechten501 Corinne EDA HCO12/14/2022 2:49:21 PMEDA Strategie zu Geschlechtergleichstellung und Frauenrechten Strategie legt die Handlungsgrundsätze und die wichtigsten Ziele der Schweizer Aussenpolitik im Bereich Gleichstellung und Frauenrechte fest. Sie umreisst die Grundprinzipien des Engagements, um einen echten, spürbaren Beitrag zu einer inklusiven und gerechten Gesellschaft zu leisten, die mehr Wohlstand für alle schafft.KeyDocumentGenderFDFA30.11.2017 23:00:00DE
Stratégie Égalité des genres et Droits des femmes du DFAE502 Corinne EDA HCO12/14/2022 2:57:25 PMStratégie Égalité des genres et Droits des femmes du DFAE, Stratégie Égalité des genres et aspx stratégie définit les principes d'action et les objectifs clés de la politique étrangère suisse en matière d'égalité des sexes et de droits des femmes. Elle expose les principes de base de l'engagement à apporter une contribution réelle et tangible à une société inclusive et équitable, créant une plus grande prospérité au profit de tous.KeyLinkGenderFDFA30.11.2017 23:00:00FR
Wirkungsbericht: Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Schweiz im Bereich der Geschlechtergleichstellung 2007–2016715 Corinne EDA HCO8/2/2018 8:49:26 AMWirkungsbericht: Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Schweiz im Bereich der Geschlechtergleichstellung 2007–2016 (de).pdf2024-01-18T13:15:35Z06153688Wirkungsbericht Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Schweiz im Bereich der Geschlechtergleichstellung 2007–2016Die Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern ist für eine nachhaltige pdf Studie umfasst eine Bewertung von drei verschiedenen Projekt- und Programmportfolios im Zeitraum von 2007 bis 2016, die unseren Ansatz zur Umsetzung der Gleichstellungspolitik des EDA widerspiegeln.KeyDocumentGenderSDC30.11.2016 23:00:00DE
Rapport sur l’efficacité: Coopération internationale de la Suisse dans le domaine de l’égalité des genres 2007–2016712 Corinne EDA HCO8/2/2018 8:49:27 AMRapport sur l’efficacité: Coopération internationale de la Suisse dans le domaine de l’égalité des genres 2007–2016 (fr).pdf2024-01-18T13:14:36Z06153689Rapport sur l’efficacité Coopération internationale de la Suisse dans le domaine de l’égalité des genres 2007–2016L’égalité entre les sexes est incontournable pour réaliser le pdf'étude comprend une évaluation de trois portefeuilles distincts de projets et de programmes au cours de la période 2007-2016, qui reflètent notre approche de la mise en œuvre de la politique d'égalité des sexes du DFAE.KeyDocumentGenderSDC30.11.2016 23:00:00FR
Report on effectiveness: Swiss international cooperation in the field of gender equality 2007–2016710 Corinne EDA HCO8/2/2018 8:49:26 AMReport on effectiveness: Swiss international cooperation in the field of gender equality 2007–2016 on Effectiveness Swiss international cooperation in the field of gender equality 2007–2016Gender equality is essential to achieving sustainable development pdf 2018-09-19 um 11.47.28.png?updated=115157The study omprises an assessment of three distinct project and programme portfolios during the period from 2007 to 2016 that reflect our approach to implementing the FDFA’s gender equality policy.KeyDocumentGenderSDC30.11.2016 23:00:00EN
OECD: Gender Equality and the Empowerment of women and girls: Guidance for Development Partners766 Corinne EDA HCO1/5/2023 12:56:42 PMOECD: Gender Equality and the Empowerment of women and girls: Guidance for Development Partners DAC Gender Guidance 2022-en.pdf2024-01-18T13:35:52Z06153677More than 25 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), and more than 20 years after the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) adopted its pdf341 equality, and the empowerment and full enjoyment of human rights by all women and girls are universal goals in their own right. They were set out in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), and in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. They are also essential for leaving no one behind, and for economic growth and sustainable development GeneralDocumentPGE;GenderOECD31.01.2022 23:00:00EN
Status Report on Gender Equality 2021: Empowering Women in Times of Crisis720 Corinne EDA HCO10/7/2022 1:56:22 PMStatus Report on Gender Equality 2021: Empowering Women in Times of Crisis to achieve gender equality is too slow and , and it has been further undermined by the COVID-19 For the second year, women have been global crises linked to climate change pdf19 22:00:00EN
SDC Status Report on Gender Equality 2020: Stepping up our efforts717 Corinne EDA HCO5/10/2021 3:36:37 PMSDC Status Report on Gender Equality 2020: Stepping up our efforts Report on Gender Equality 2020 Stepping Up our EffortsForeword We were geared up to celebrate the 25 th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action pdf37 was the year of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic as a global crisis, which puts achievements in gender equality at risk of being rolled back. It has amplified and highlighted existing inequalities in all spheres of life. Its impact on both women and men has been tremendous, yet for numerous reasons women are disproportionally affected.GeneralDocumentGenderSDC02.05.2020 22:00:00EN

