FCHR network


Content Editor

​Welcome to the SDC Fragility, Conflict and Human Rights Network​​​

​The FCHR Shareweb serves as a ​platform facilitating the e-collaboration within the Network. Among other functionalities, it provides you with useful information for your work, such as the Conflict Sensitive Programme Management (CSPM) Toolbox and the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), CSPM/Peacebuilding, SSR and other issues of interest related to fragile and conflict affected situations. A selection of further relevant resources and links are available in each of the three thematic pillars and beyond.

Would you li​​​ke to join our Network? Write to us!​ 

​​conflictandhumanrights@eda.admin.ch​ ​

Our priorities

Fragility Peace and StatebuildingConflict and violence prevention and transformationHuman rights, justice and rule of lawOther relevant topics

Highlighted d​ocume​nts
