SDC Health Guidance 2020-2030 – a work in progress

The Health Network is working on a new framework document for SDC engagement in international health cooperation. The SDC Health Guidance 2020-2030 defines the strategic orientation of SDC bilateral programmes, humanitarian action and global initiatives in health, and serves as reference document for SDC, its partner organisations and the wider public. This document will replace the SDC Health Policy (2013).


Globally, health has significantly improved in recent decades: child and maternal mortality rates are decreasing and the average life expectancy is increasing. However, major health inequities remain, since the specific needs of vulnerable populations are not being sufficiently taken into account.

There are four main reasons why SDC remains committed to global health cooperation:

  1. Thanks to its diverse range of know-how, products and services, Switzerland has much to offer in addressing major health challenges using a sustainable and cost-effective approach.

  2. Improving health worldwide is crucial to protect Switzerland's own health and interests, in the event of transboundary health threats like COVID-19 for example.

  3. Switzerland is distinguished by its humanitarian tradition and is a host country to the major health organizations in Geneva. This significantly leverages its international influence.

  4. Switzerland and its technical cooperation are recognized for its neutral and impartial nature, long-term results-oriented and responsive approach, and competent context-sensitive support.


The overall goal of SDC health programs is to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of people in LMICs, and to reduce health inequities in accessing essential services. It contributes to SDG 3, by ensuring that people stay healthy and, if they fall sick, have adequate access to quality health services and products .

Hence, the two related priorities are:

Priority 1: Addressing the determinants of health: ensuring healthy living conditions for all to keep people healthy and avoid illness, suffering from disability and premature deaths.

Priority 2: Advancing Universal Health Coverage: contributing to improve access to quality, equitable, effective, efficient and affordable health services for all at all ages.



Drafting and consultation process

April 27, 2020Presentation of the Preliminary note to SDC Board of Directors
May - June 2020

Drafting the SDC Health Guidance 2020-2030.


For specific inputs and references, bilateral consultations with SDC Global programs and Focal Points, Health Network members.

Early July 2020SDC In-house event: presentation of the final document
September 2020
Consultation with interested Swiss Federal Departments.
September/October 2020 External consultation

Shall you have any questions or suggestions regarding the drafting and consultation process, please write to