SDC Gender Equality Network

The Gender Equality Network (GenderNet) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is one of the thematic networks at SDC. Its mandate is...

    - to promote the implementation of the SDC Gender Equality Policy
    - to support gender mainstreaming in operational activities
    - to capitalize SDC gender experience at all levels
    - to build thematic and methodological capacities
    - to assure the quality of gender equality mainstreaming at all levels of SDC operations and in its cooperation with partners

    The Gender Equality Network consists of...

    - the gender contact persons of all divisions and sections of the Regional Cooperation and the Global Cooperation Domain
    - the thematic gender contact persons at the Swiss Cooperation Offices
    - selected partner organizations and NGOs

    To fulfil its mandate, the GenderNet organizes activities and provides resources.

    The GenderNet is coordinated and facilitated by the SDC Gender Focal Point Ursula Keller.