The Challenge

The Challenge

On September 25th 2015, the SDGs were adopted, a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Each goal of the 17 goals has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. The goals are ambitious and it has become crystal clear that the SDGs will not be realised without the involvement of all state and non-state parties alike, especially the private sector.

Yearly 5 – 7 trillion USD are needed to finance the SDGs alone according to UNEP. Business has, therefore, a crucial role to play as a source of investment, driver of innovation and technological development, and as an engine for economic growth and employment.

Partnership and collaboration between private and public actors have several advantages. Together they:

  • Have a greater outreach
  • Have higher impact
  • Are more innovative
  • Provide more sustainable solutions


The private sector offers different resources that are crucial for the achievement of the SDGs:

  • Knowledge and human resources
  • Organisational capacities
  • Financial resources
  • Technology


International Cooperation 2017 – 2020 lists the intensification of partnerships with the private sector as one strategic priority for the SDC. The SDC will step up its involvement in EPS projects whenever such an approach enables it to achieve its development objectives in a significant, effective and more rapid manner.