FSD Reference Indicators

FSD Reference Indicators

There is an increased demand in result measurement in order to assess the effectiveness of development aid. Furthermore, as a project manager the strategic use for your decision-making and improving your programs performances can be greatly enhanced with a solid result measurement and monitoring approach. There are many different standards out there, depending also on which topic your program is focusing on. Is it in the water sector, food security, climate change - you name it. This site will provide you with the compulsory indicators SDC is following, as well as additional resources and tips from its partners.

The ARI (Aggregierbare Referenz Indikator) is the compulsory indicator (where applicable) of SDC reflecting the least common denominator at outreach level:

yy people (M/F) gained access to and make use of formal financial service (savings, insurance, loan, leasing, payment and transfer services, etc.) 

Additional reference indicators:

As a support to the COOF and Embassies, we are working on a list of common reference indicators. In the meantime, hereafter a list of the most common ones:

1.       Reference outcome indicators for social performance measurement at the level of the financial service provider: The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management developed by the Social Performance Task Force (SPFT). Source: www.sptf.info

2.       Usage outcome indicators at the client level

      • Number of people (f/m) or households who have an account with a formal financial institution or a mobile money provider.
      • Number of people (f/m) or households who have a savings account.
      • Number of people (f/m) or households who are insured.
      • Number of people (f/m) or households who have a loan with a formal financial institution.
      • Number of people (f/m) or households who have a leasing with a formal financial institution.
      • Number of people (f/m) or households who use digital financial payments.


3.       Impact indicators at the client level

  • Number of people (f/m) or number of households with increased net additional income.
  • Net additional income of people (f/m) or households.

In the following, no standard indicators but some ideas to dig deeper in order to understand the impact at the client level:

  • Field of observation for improved resilience of people or households: Use of positive coping mechanisms (such as savings, insurance) and/or avoiding negative coping mechanisms (such as selling productive assets) leading to expenditure smoothening.
  • Field of observation for reduced vulnerability and improved financial well-being: improved financial decision making at individual or at household level leading to increased assets.