Strategic Orientations of SDC's Education Strategy


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The six strategic orientations of SDC's Education Strategy​

The SDC's Education Strategy for Basic Education and Vocational Skills Developmen​t defines six strategic orientations with the overall objective Basic Education for all and expanded access to VSD.

Global and regional agenda​​​

Enhance international policy di​alogue for effective, e​fficient and resilient national education systems

​​The SDC is founding member of the Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET) and partner of the UN Global Compact Network Switzerland (GCNS).​

​​Education system governance

Contribute to effective, inclusive and equitable education systems through strengthened governance and institutional capacities at national and decentralised levels​​

​The SDC aims at improving whole VET and labour market systems. The Shareweb page on VSD core elements provides an introduction to understanding and analysing VET systems.

Quality relevance​

Enable relevant quality learning th​at provides competencies for life and work and has a transformative impact on human development

​VSD systems and their expected outcomes and impacts for society and economy are explained on the VSD core elements page. Engaging with the private sector is essential to ensure that skills development is relevant to the labour market.

Inclusion and equity

Enhance equitable acce​ss to expanded VSD options, with special attention to the disadvantaged and marginalised, including crisis-affected societies

This page explains how SDC puts a focus on gender equality and inclu​​​sion in VSD​. Inclusion is of particular importance in contexts of fragility. 

Sustainability, cohesion and resilience

​Make use of the transformative role of education for sustainable development, civic participation, social cohesion and resilience 

VSD creates prospects for youth, it can contribute to saver migration and to preventing violent extremism (PVE), especially in contexts of fragility

​Transition to work
Enhance labour market outcomes through informed choices, improved matching, entrepreneurship support and facilitated access to gainful employment and income​​​
Integration into the labour market is a main objective of VSD, as explained on the VSD core elements page. Significant employment and self-employment opportunities can also be found in the informal economy​.