e+i Network Discussions on Vocational Skills Development

e+i Network Discussions on Vocational Skills Development

​​How to participate in the e+i discussions​​​​​​​​​​​​

This page is no longer maintained. Please visit our past events section instead:  https://www.shareweb.ch/site/EI/Pages/VSD/Events/VSD-Past-Events.aspx 

The e+i discussions take place on the dgroups platform. If you want to subscribe and participate, send an e​​​-mail to schlapfer@kek.ch​ with some information about your current professional ​position and ​​ professional background. For more information about dgroups click here​.

​​2017 ​

E-Discussion on "youth-specific approaches in the context of Vocational Skills Development (VSD) interventions" (June 18-27, 2017)​ 

The theme of e-discussion of the SDC e+i network was "youth-specific approaches in the context of Vocational Skills Development (VSD) interventions". Learn more​.

​B​​efore 2017​

​​​Collaborating with the private sector in vocational skills development: potential and challenges​

The objectives of the e-discussion were to (i) exchange information and experience on good practices and innovative interventions in collaborating with the private sector, (ii) highlight the specific role of collaboration with the private sector in VSD, (iii) provide practice-orientated recommendations, and (iv) deliver key inputs and food for thought for the face-to-face event in April 2015. 

Starting point of the discussion was an input paper. The network discussed three areas of collaboration with the private sector. The synthesis​​​ follows this structure, brings out the main insights of the three discussion topics and concludes with selected open issues as food for thought. The e-discussion was open to 210 network members. 33 VSD experts shared their experiences made in 18 countries in a total of 61 written contributions​.


​​​Online discussion "Putting education to work: where does education lead the youth of today?"

On the occasion of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2012 on skills and youth, SDC's e+i VSD and education networks organise a joint discussion. The input paper summarises the main findings of the report and gives food for thought for the discussion.

Here you find the synthesis in English​, French ​and Spanish.

​​​Online discussion on labour market orientation of TVET projects and programmes

As a follow-up to the world café discussion during the e+i networt face-to-face in May 2011, an online discussion on labour market orientation of TVET projects and programmes is organised.

First round of discussion (September 2011): The discussion is kick-started with an input paper elaborated by network members. Have a look at the summary paper which lists the 25 contributions along eleven statements and at the synthesis of the major points of discussions. Version français​e du document de synthèse de la discussion en ligne.


Input Paper LMO First Round
Download (PDF, 364 KB)[en]  



Summary LMO First Round
Download (PDF, 537 KB)[en]  



Synthesis LMO First Round
Download (PDF, 259 KB)[en]  


Synthèse ediscussion LMO first round
Download (, KB)


Second round of discussion (February 2012): The second round of discussion will focuse on occupational standards, assessment and certification. We start the discussion with a short following input paper. Check out the synthesis of the online discussion.

Input ediscussion LMO OSAC Second Round
Download (PDF, 220 KB)[en]  

Synthesis Labour market orientation - second round

Synthesis online discussion on labour market orientation - second round of discussion
Download (PDF, 399 KB): [en]  [fr]  [es]  ​​


Would you like to participate in the discussion and you are not yet subscribed to the discussion group on Vocational Skills Development? Do you have any questions? Send an e-mail to Basil Schläpfer of KEK-CDC Consultants (schlaepfer@kek.ch).

​​Private Sector Participation in Vocational Skills Development (October - December 2009)

Discussion Summary

Inputs and contributions received:
a) Skills Development Project – SDP, Uzbekistan (SDC): How to convince company managers to cooperate with VET schools? Description of a “good arguments” approach including a list of instruments and tools supporting the introduction of new cooperation schemes between the VET sector and companies.
b) Vocational Education in North-East Albania (GTZ): How to strengthen and institutionalise cooperation structures between the VET sector and companies? Introduction of regional VET boards.
c) F-SKILLin Nepal (Helvetas): How to support labour market relevant VET? Description of the training business approach.

Summary and conclusions

The three approaches basically are compatible and a transfer of specific elements (tools, instruments, regulations) within certain limits seems to be possible. Yet, not every approach fits every system and an in-depth analysis of the specific project context has to be carried out beforehand. For more detailed information on the above mentioned contributions please contact the authors directly.

INPUT 1: Discussion Input on Private Sector Participation by SDP Uzbekistan
August 2009
Author: Hans-Dieter Hoepfner, International Team Leader of SDC's Skills Development Projekt in Uzbekistan

Download (PDF, 30 KB): [en]  


INPUT 2: F-SKILL Discussion Input on Private Sector Participation in VSD
October 2009
Author: F-SKILL and SDC Cooperation Office Nepal

Download (PDF, 16 KB): [en]  


INPUT 3: Regulations governing the work of VET Boards in North Eastern Albania
November 2009
Author: PEM Consult Alma Shkreli and Wolfang Kappler/ GTZ Project Vocational Education in Northeastern Albania
Key document concerning the creation of regional VET Boards in North Eastern Albania. bring together all stakeholders in the field of VET, such as the Regional Education Directorates, the Regional Employment Offices, the Regional Development Councils, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Municipalities, VET schools and Syndicates.

Download (PDF, 25 KB): [en]  




Are you interested to be part the Discussion Group on Vocational Skills Development?
To join the Discussion Group please send an E-Mail to Franz Kehl kehl@kek.ch​​