Labor Market Orientation

Labor Market Orientation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The cornerstones of labour market oriented and demand driven VET systems are

  • the participatory development of standards and profiles with labour market representatives,
  • the development of curricula based on occupational profiles,
  • the way teaching and learning takes place (competency based learning and work place training),
  • and based on that, an assessment and certification system including labour market actors.

[A more thorough introduction into the topic will follow soon.]

Test Item Database

Within the Moldovan Occupational Standards, Assessment and Certification project (SOMEC​), a Test Item Database was developed. The Test Item Database is a useful and handy electronic tool designed to store and manage test instruments in 3 languages - English, Romanian and Russian.

How can you use the test item database?
a) you can use content and profiles for your own purpose and adapt it accordingly,
b) you can use the software for developing and running your own test item database in your project.

In order to access the demo version, have first a look at the guide on how to use the demo version and then follow this link. You will need to register.

To get access to the full version you are kindly requested to contact the SDC officer in
charge, Mr. Simon Junker ( simon.junker[at] ).

    Documents, Tools, etc.

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