
The Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET)

We are very happy to inform or remind you that SDC together with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) has recently launched the Donor Committee for dual Vocational Education and Training (DC dVET). SDC as well as the three other members....


....of the committee have many years of experience in implementing VET projects and programmes in various countries. The committee is convinced that dual VET – even though it is not a blueprint - offers numerous opportunities to support individual, economic, and social development in the partner countries. The aim of the committee is therefore to jointly use this expertise and make the benefits of dual VET better usable for the partner countries.


Why dual Vocational Education and Training?

For the last several years, dual VET has attracted significant international interest. VET has become a key vehicle for advancing economic, personal, and social abilities and skills of people in the SDC partner countries. Thereby, the dual VET systems of Switzerland and the other Donor Committee member countries serve as reference models for implementation of projects and programmes.  


Key Elements of dual Vocational Education and Training

  • Two Learning Venues: Practical Training takes place within businesses, while theory is taught in the classroom. The business component is at least 50%.
  • Ownership: Dual VET is a shared responsibility by public and private partners.
  • Training Duration:  Initial training usually lasts two to four years.
  • The Professional Concept:  Training programmes lead to a comprehensive qualification and is closely associated with the concept of quality, skilled worked, and pride of one's profession.


The Role of the DC dVET

The DC dVET acts as a source of information and resources on dual VET in development cooperation, provides support to coordination efforts and learning exchange for its members and partners and offers thematic support. Please find more information on the DC dVET, initial publications and the documentation of the founding event and symposium on the 14 April 2016 in Lucerne (Switzerland).