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Fragile states are commonly described as
incapable of assuring security, maintaining rule of law and justice,
providing basic services and economic opportunities for their citizens.
In recognition of the
empirical and normative shortcomings of the term ‘fragile states’, development
agencies are now increasingly favouring the much broader terminology of
‘fragility’, ‘situations of fragility’ or ‘fragile context’. These terms are
also seen to better capture the fact that fragility is not exclusively
determined by the nature and boundaries of states – there is a need to look
beyond, into the state of society in both assessing and addressing fragility.

Lessons learnt form implementing TVET and VSD projects in fragile contexts

​​​​​​Careful analysis of the situation

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​​​​​​Holistic approaches

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​​​​​​Integrated approaches

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​​​​​​Adaption to reality


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​​​ Key Documents

SDC [3.3 MB]
In 2012, the Swiss Parliament decided to strengthen the Swiss engagement in fragile contexts. According to the Message to Parliament on international cooperation (2013–2016), SDC is mandated to make a relevant contribution to improved living conditions; to the reduction of causes of conflicts; to the increase of crisis resistance; and to the respect for human rights in selected fragile contexts. This strategy outlines the strategic and operational dimensions of this policy commitment.
Andrea Binder, Clara Weinhardt-GPPI
Fragile Kontexte verändern die Art und Weise wie die Instrumente der klassischen Diplomatie und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit eingesetzt werden können. Eine empirisch informierte Auseinandersetzung mit der Wirkung von Fragilität auf Maßnahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit ist daher dringend geboten. Vor diesem Hintergrund fragt die Studie, wie Fragilität von der deutschen Bundesregierung unterstützte Maßnahmen der beruflichen Bildung beeinflusst.