Dispatch on Switzerland’s International Cooperation

Dispatch on Switzerland’s International Cooperation

Dispatch on Switzerland’s International Cooperation in 2013–2016​

For the first time, the Dispatch on Switzerland’s International Cooperation describes in one document the tasks of humanitarian aid, development cooperation, economic and trade policy measures within the framework of development cooperation, and cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe.

For further information about the following topics please click on the link in the language of your choice :  [ENG] [DE] [FRA] [IT]


Dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation 2017–2020

The Dispatch 2017-2020 pursues the vision of a world without poverty and in peace, for sustainable development. The dispatch includes five framework credits corresponding to five instruments that complement and reinforce each other: Humanitarian aid; Technical cooperation and financial aid for developing countries; Economic and trade policy measures in the context of development cooperation; Transition cooperation with Eastern Europe; and, for the first time, measures for the promotion of peace and human security.

For further information, please click on the link in the language of your choice :  [ENG] [DE] [FRA] [IT]


Contact: Patricia Pfister PFIPA (patricia.pfister@eda.admin.ch)



​​Les Objectifs de développement durable orientent l'engagement de la coopération suisse 
Article by Valérie Engammare in "La vie économique"


New Message on Switzerland's International Cooperation 2017-2020: Through its international cooperation Switzerland will contribute to the implementation of the new sustainable development Agenda of the UN.

The article is available in French and German.