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Guidance for Monitoring Governance in the Dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation 2017-2020

Reference indicators and selected aggregated indicators

Below you find a list with reference indicators for the monitoring of the strategic goal on governance in the actual dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation (2017-2020). The proposed indicators have been synchronized for both, the strategic goal 8 (Governance in the cooperation with Eastern Europe) and goal 5 (Governance in South Cooperation). They are based on what we observed in the annual reports, and where we are confident about the availability of information. Some are of more prospective nature but important for future guidance in portfolio development. The purpose is to provide guidance for the formulation of new cooperation strategies and for the synthesis of annual reports. This shall facilitate a more structured reporting about annual results in governance - for each division and for SDC as an institution.

The indicators focus on measuring SDC results achievements and not on context monitoring. Data for context monitoring you may find in the column on data sources, or you may draw on statistics of your partner countries, or commission specific studies. In addition you can find a column with references to the respective targets of SDG 16 and 17.1. This can be useful for reporting your contribution to Agenda 2030 implementation.

Some of these indicators have been selected as aggregated reference indicators (ARI). They shall provide figures that can be easily aggregated over the next years and provide quick information on some key results areas in governance. This can be useful for external communication purposes. For these 4 ARI detailed guidance sheets have been elaborated:



Governance - Citizen participation

yy local authorities informed zz citizens transparently, involving them in decision-making-processes and considering their interests in local development and budget plans. Among the local authorities, xyz take specific measures for balanced participation and consideration of interests of women and vulnerable groups


To read the detailed guidance sheet, 



Governance - Budget resources

yy supported local authorities which have benefitted from increased budget resources: yy1 due to formula and rule based fiscal transfer schemes, yy2 due to local tax income and private investments


To read the detailed guidance sheet, 



Governance – Illicit financial flows: capacities

yy governmental institutions and civil society organizations with strengthened capacities in preventing corruption, money laundering and tax evasion


To read the detailed guidance sheet, 



Governance - Illicit financial flows: accountability

yy supported processes for increased accountability in the field of illicit financial flows


To read the detailed guidance sheet, 



We are aware that the list of proposed reference indicators is not complete but focuses on some key governance aspects. You may choose additional indicators that are not covered here. And of course your choice among the proposed indicators will have to be selective, according to your particular context and cooperation strategy. There is no hierarchy among different types of indicators.

Key links and documents

SDC Documents
