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Much work has been accomplished since the last face to face event in Pemba in 2015. Here below you find links to the initiatives an documents that have been pointed out by Corinne Huser during her "looking back" session.


Links to key documents, events and web pages


    Analysing Informal Local Governance Institutions

    | Key Reading

    Practical Guidance and case studies


    Accountability Country Cases

    | Key Reading

    Examples of accountability from Mali, Macedonia, Pakistan. And Examples of social accountability from Ukraine, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Tanzania, Burundi.


    Learning Retreat on National Oversight Institutions

    | Key Reading

    With all the documents, videos and photos.


    Parliament support and working with political parties

    | Key Reading

    Read the "Issue Paper Parliament Support" and the "Collaboration with Swiss Parliament: Services Déclaration d'intention"


    Fiscal transfers: country cases

    | Key Reading

    Cases from Burundi, Mongolia, Nepal, Benin, Bangladesh.


    Learning Retreat on sub-national taxation and financing

    | Key Reading

    The learning retreat explores the topic of sub-national financing, including taxation, and particularly property taxation, informal taxation, and inter-governmental transfers, amongst others. The retreat's objective was to expose participants to current thinking and research in the field. HERE you find a list of links to the workshop documents.



    | Key Reading

    The DAC Network on Governance (GovNet) brings together governance practitioners and experts to explore and promote more effective governance in developing countries.



    | Key Reading

    The „Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance“ (DeLoG) is an informal network of 29 bi- and multilateral development partners in the field of decentralisation and local governance (DLG).


    LOGIN Asia

    | Key Reading

    Local Governance Initiative and Network (LOGIN) is a multi-stakeholder network facilitating knowledge exchange and peer learning on topics related to local governance and decentralisation.

Further reading documents
