
Jun 09
There are 2 new documents worth reading!

​Dear Members

I would like to shre with you two new documents:

Social accountability: A practitioner’s handbook
The book is a tool to support implementers who wish to engage citizens in anti-corruption activities. It is based on the findings of extensive research on the topic, which have been synthesized in the form of an assessment framework and methodology that capture the main elements that play a role in enabling the success of social accountability initiatives. (for download click on the title)

An integrated framework to support local governance and local development
This document articulates the framework for guiding future initiatives and programmes on local governance and local development and highlights how best to integrate the proposed LGLD approach at the country programme level The document also proposes responsibilities for various stakeholders at di erent levels, and indicates strategic actions that need to be undertaken for the implementation of the framework and application of the framework It presents the shared position of UNDP, UNCDF and UNV on how best to frame local governance and local development programmes to facilitate the harmonious attainment of relevant and sustainable development initiatives at the local level.


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