2021 Bern

CSPM & HRBA Training

​​2-4 November 2021, Bern​



You will find below a list, for each day, of the documentation/presentation, learnings, transcripted interviews with experts and feedbacks/evaluation from participants.​ You can find th​e​ templates of the​​​​​ tools/H2N presented ​during the training and illustrated with concrete projects as well as more relevant documents on our CSPM Platform and HRBA Platform​.


Evaluation of the training

To evaluate the programme of the training, participants were asked to put a sticker to express their appreciations of each slot (green = fully satisfied / red = not fully satisfied), in terms of contents and methodology. You will find here​ the results of this evaluation.
​Furthermore, they evaluated ​the content based on 8 criteria. 
