F2F Geneva 2019

​​​​Face-to-Face 2019 (Geneva, June 18-20 2019)​

​A very successful F2F "X-Change 4 Peace" concluded in Geneva: more than 100 participants, of which were the fast majority from SDCs field offices, discussed and reflected topics and operations around Agenda 2030 Goal 16 on peaceful, just and inclusive societies. Together with focal points from DDLGN, Gender and poverty / LNOB the SDC Network Cluster "Peace, Governance, Gender & LNOB" has been launched.

A big applause for your contributions, engagement and constructive interactions with other members!












Documents & Material: 


Learning Basket "Peaceful Societies"

Learning Basket "Just Societies"

Learning Basket "Inclusive Societies"

Learning Basket "Programming Practices"

Speech Kate Gilmore UNHRC