Taking forward the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in the Asia and Pacific Region.
This regional Platform is coordinated by the NEPAD Agency.
The New Deal for engagement in fragile states is integrated in the Busan Outcome Document.
The Development Assistance Committee (DAC, www.oecd.org/dac) is the principal body through which the OECD deals with issues related to co-operation with developing countries. The Development Co-operation Directorate provides good practice examples and statistics on the implementation of the Effectiveness agenda.
The Network on Development Evaluation is a subsidiary body of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Its purpose is to increase the effectiveness of international development programmes by supporting robust, informed and independent evaluation. The Network is a unique body, bringing together evaluation managers and specialists from OECD development cooperation agencies and multilateral development institutions.
This website provides information on the UNDP approach towards implementing the effectiveness principles.
The trend towards open data - to openly disclose government data - which became important in the US and UK further establishes itself: In this context, the Worldbank has launched a new website which allows access to a lot of information that were only available by subscription up to now. The website provides free access to more than 2'000 financial, business, health, economic and human development statistics. Source of the data are the 186 WB member countries and more than 30 international agencies, private and NGO partners.