Reference Indicators

Indicators for Country Strategies (Aggregate Reference Indicators and Reference Indicators)

​SDC management has decided to introduce a set of reference indicators to monitor the dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation 2017–2020. The indicators relevant for the Agriculture and Food Security domain are presented below:

i) Aggregate Reference Indicators (ARI) (compulsory where relevant in country strategy result frameworks):

Food security and nutrition Global challenges - Food security and nutrition policies  [ fr ] [ es ]
yy international norms, global policies and political processes developed in the field of food security and nutrition
Food security and nutritionAccess to resources - Land  [ fr ] [ es ]
yy land related policies, laws, strategies and plans developed at national level
Food security and nutritionAccess to resources – Nutrition  [ fr ] [ es ]
yy nutrition relevant laws, policies, strategies and plans developed at national level
Food security and nutritionBasic services – Agriculture productivity  [ fr ] [ es ]
xyx annual yield increase for a specific crop (kg/ha) and for specific livestock (kg or l /animal) by yy small farmers supported (M/F)
Food security and nutritionAccess to resources – Biodiversity  [ fr ] [ es ]
yy biodiversity related policies, laws, strategies and plans developed at national level

Video: Aggregate Reference Indicators - An Introduction


This short video gives a general introduction to the Aggregate Reference Indicators.
EDA staff can find more information on the Shareweb of SDC Quality Assurancerestricted access

ii) Reference Indicators (RI) (optional)
as a support for Cooperation Offices while developing Result Frameworks of Country Strategies or large projects

​1​Number of people (women/men; socio-economic strata) that have as a result of Swiss programs established secure rights of agricultural land (individual, collective, customary).
​2​Number of producers (women/men; socio-economic strata) that are applying on xxx hectares water efficient irrigation systems.
​3​Number of persons (women/men; socio-economic strata) whose diet is diverse and healthy with the contribution of SDG’s nutrition sensitive interventions.
​4​Proportion of women in functions of decision-making of access and control of the management of natural resources (land, water, forests, fishery, etc.)


Video on impact measurement [ en français | en español ]


This video nicely illustrates the four most important principles of simple and effective monitoring

•    One development issue for one outcome
•    One outcome measured by two indicators
•    Always generate gender sensitive data: men, women, boys, girls (children)
•    Data must urgently be generated for men and women living below the poverty line (poverty focus)