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Study tours

The study tour guideline proposes 10 steps for organising study tours (Part 1 of document). The order of the steps can be adjusted depending on the concrete situation at hand. This study tour guideline puts a focus on study tours that deal with issues of decentralisation and local governance (Part 2 of document). The study tour guideline aims at supporting the definition of an appropriate thematic focus for the study tour and provides ideas and information on possible program elements. The document can be viewed and downloaded here below.


Key Reading Documents


    Study Tour Guideline

    Results of the Learning Project: The study tour guideline shall mainly serve SDC/PD IV staff and partners for organising meaningful study tours to Switzerland.

    Key Reading Document
    SDC, Ximpulse
    Nicole Töpperwien, Corinne Huser, Romana Tedeschi, Christoph Fuchs

Further Reading Documents



    PolitExchange hat das Ziel, die Expertise und Erfahrung der Hauptstadtregion in der politischen Entscheidfindung und in der praktischen Umsetzung politischer Entscheide für ausländische Besuche- rinnen und Besucher greifbar und begreifbar zu machen.

    Further Reading Document
    Kompetenzzentrum der Hauptstadtregion Schweiz für Governance-Studienbesuche

    PolitExchange (EN)

    PolitExchange aims to share the expertise and experience of the Capital Region in political decision making and the practical implementation of those decisions, making these tangible and understandable to international visitors.

    Further Reading Document
    Competence Center of the Capital Region Switzerland for Governance Study Visits

    PolitExchange (FR)

    Le but de PolitExchange est de rendre tangibles et compréhensibles pour des visiteurs étrangers, l’expertise et l’expérience de la Région capitale, ses procédures de décisions politiques et leur mise en œuvre en pratique.

    Further Reading Document
    le Centre de compétence de la Région capitale suisse pour les voyages d’études en gouvernance
